11 Indoor Mental Health Activities You Can Do Now

The coronavirus pandemic and world events have taken a huge toll on our mental health and overall wellness. Good news is there are low-effort, mostly free ways to get yourself through this… with proven benefits!

You can also simply do these activities to relive boredom. This isn’t a sponsored post by the way, so feel free to click on things without the feeling of being advertised to.

1. Start a journal.
Pexels: Pixabay

Being away from your friends can be mentally taxing! Even if you feel like nothing’s happening in your life right now, writing down your thoughts and memories from your pre-quarantine life can help you process all the good and bad things that have happened in your life. Hey, research shows that writing down your thoughts is a great activity to help your mental health and boost your immune system. This is a guide on how to start your journaling journey.

2. Prepare something awesome in the kitchen.

There’s a reason why we stress-eat, and that’s because our food and well-being are so intertwined! When you bake for example, you’re actually putting your body through therapy because you redirect your thoughts to one focused activity. Here is a easy-to-make, seven-ingredient recipe for sugar cookies.

3. Do cardio exercises.

If you’re feeling guilty about overeating this quarantine (which you shouldn’t), then you’re in luck! Since quarantine, Youtube has been blowing up with workout videos that don’t require any equipment. My personal favorite channel is PopSugar, which has a wide collection of fun videos that cater to all kinds of workout levels. As painful as they are, cardio has been documented to help reduce stress hormones.

4. Clean your room.
Pexels: Pixabay

Maybe Marie Kondo was on to something. When we get anxious, we tend to do repetitive tasks that give us a sense of control, such as cleaning. This of course, helps reduce anxiety. On the other hand, our mental health is compromised when we live in a messy space, because it is usually linked to stress and tension. So grab those brooms and get to cleaning!

5. Play mobile games.

If you’re like me who’s experiencing major FOMO from not having a Switch and Animal Crossing, we still have our smartphones to rely on. Pass the time with shooters like Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, and simple puzzle games like Two Dots. Unlike what media has led you to believe, there are a lot of benefits from playing video games; among them is the capacity to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

6. Start a “podcast” with your friends.

It doesn’t have to be a real podcast and you don’t have to have a grand set-up, but just talk out whatever with your friends! Not only are podcasts a creative outlet for your pent-up frustrations, but venting out and listening to someone’s problems has some benefits like catharsis and a deeper connection. Doing it podcast-style will help you form your thoughts and get to the points faster. Here’s a guide on how to start a podcast!

7. Pick up an instrument.
Pexels: 42 North

Playing an instrument can actually reduce stress, and has a lot of mental benefits linked to memorization and concentration. Chances are your house may have a piano or a guitar just gathering dust somewhere, so better put it to good use and relearn those pesky keys/chords!

8. Have a skincare routine.

Okay, it doesn’t have to be an all-out expensive affair. Just putting on moisturizer and cleaning your face with whatever you have will do. Doing your research on what products do and which ones to buy will already take you a good half-day. Following a skincare routine is linked to numerous emotional benefits like stronger mental stability and a sense of mindfulness.

9. Meditate.

Get your zen on with a relaxing and soothing meditation sesh! The App Store and Play Store are filled with topnotch meditation apps, with the more popular ones including Headspace and Calm. Youtube is also a treasure trove for those just getting into this tranquil activity, with a lot of guided meditation videos for beginners.

10. Listen to music on full blast.
Pexels: Kaboompics

There are a lot of things you miss out on when you’re just listening to your songs in the background like you’re used to. Go on Spotify, and put your best headphones or speakers on so you’ll be able to appreciate the song in all its intricate glory! I personally enjoy looking up the lyrics on Genius to feel all the feels even more. Listening to music triggers “happy hormones” like dopamine and serotonin!

11. Take a cold shower.

Fun fact: it was once used as a form of therapy! Its mental health benefits include reduced stress levels (once you get pass the initial shock) and increased mental resilience. The Philippines is no stranger to extremely hot weather, which is why a shower is always a great option. Even if you stand cold water trickling down my back, it can get pretty relaxing once you get used to it. The best part is you can do this while meditating and listening to music, making it a great form of relaxation.

These are things to do during quarantine that will help teenagers and college students alike. Now that summer break is in full swing and no one is allowed to go outdoors, it’s more important than ever to find ways to cope with stress. While these are mostly self-care activities, it’s also important to reach out to your loved ones to help you get through this terrible year.

Featured Image: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

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I love this!!!


Just what I needed ❤️


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