Since Zoomers Corner is currently still a project and personally funded by a lowly individual, we are not yet at the stage where we can compensate handsomely. While a goal for the website is to gain profit from advertising money and sponsored content, we are currently not earning anything. However, I am steadfast in my belief that creatives, which include writers, should be compensated properly. At the same time, I recognize how a website like this could be instrumental for Gen Z’ers. Not using it is a waste of a platform that could be used to strengthen a diverse set of voices and advocacies.
With those things laid out, I am definitely willing to read your article! And if it’s something I really enjoy, then I will happily negotiate with you to reach a fair number for the both of us. Don’t fret if your article doesn’t get chosen, though. It’s probably more because I don’t have money than anything. For the best chances of getting your article chosen, consider the following requirements:
- Author must be residing in the Philippines, and born on or after the year 1997. This is to keep in line with our goal to be an authentic platform for Generation Z.
- Topic must be relevant for Gen Z.
- Content must be aligned with the blog's image and values.
- Article can be written in English or Filipino, but must have good grammar and syntax.
- Content must not read like a promotion for any brand, company, product, etc. ​