Here’s a List of 10 Gen Z Stereotypes Made By a Zoomer
For some reason, older generations really like to assume we’re all about TikTok and K-pop fancams. So what we’re gonna do is take the narrative from them, and create a list of Gen Z stereotypes that we can actually get into.
Just to warn you, we are placing a trigger warning for number 4, because there is a slight discussion about suicide.
1. Between us and boomers, we’re not the snowflake.

Our generation has been tagged as “snowflakes” for getting easily offended over certain things. But honestly, that doesn’t really affect us as much as boomers think. When we voice our opinion, we’re most likely doing it for good reason.
Calling us snowflakes has just become a way for older people to discredit outspoken zoomers who bring up valid points.
Say, remember when boomers got pretty offended over “OK boomer” last year? I still laugh my ass off when I think about it.
2. Diversity is in our bloodstream.

Growing up with the internet in our pockets has made it easier for us to accept people who come from different backgrounds.
We have always had access to apps and resources that make us truly appreciate what it means to live in a global community. There’s Youtube to watch vloggers of different ethnicities, Spotify to explore different sounds from all over the world, Netflix to experience various languages and cultures secondhand… and the list goes on!
There are definitely still bigots in Gen Z, but it’s easier to educate ourselves and change each other’s mindsets when Reddit and Google are always in our disposal.
3. Everyone knows a little astrology.

There are two types of zoomers on the internet: people who are into astrology, and friends of people who are into astrology.
No matter how much you’ve tried to avoid it, you probably know a thing or two about the different signs. You also know that zodiac signs are so last year. Of course you’d have to know your moon and rising signs too, duh!
To the boomer reading this, we know astrology isn’t real. It’s just fun for us.
But, I can point you to the direction where anti-vaxxers and flat earthers are. Maybe that’s where you should direct your negative energy instead. Let our astro-loving asses be!
4. We always kinda want to die. Not really, but yes.

If there’s something you should know about Generation Z, it’s that death isn’t really such a taboo subject for us to discuss.
There are days when zoomers would casually tell each other that we want to die, and no one in our circle would bat an eye. It’s not really a “joke”, but it’s just a statement that has an inkling of truth to it.
Most of the time though, we do make sure the person who said it is truly fine. Talking about death and self-harm with friends has thankfully become normal.
Here’s a quick test: try deciphering this: i.w.t.k.m.s.b.i.d.w.m.f.a.f.t.b.s. If you get what this means without Googling it, then you’re probably a zoomer!
5. Our sense of humor doesn’t make sense.

Ah, Gen Z humor. Some call it quirky, some call it stupid. Honestly, I couldn’t even begin to explain why I find certain Gen Z memes funny, and I don’t think other zoomers can too.
We’ve come to a point where the most random jokes just make so much sense to us.
6. We have the shortest attention spans.

Ever notice how songs are getting shorter? It’s because our attention span is only at 8 seconds, so music had to adjust to get to the good parts faster.
More than that, we’re bombarded with so many content that we can literally jump from one video or song to the next without skipping a beat. There’s a reason why Gen Z stereotypes will never not include TikTok, and that’s because we absolutely love short bite-sized content.
Maybe this explains why we suddenly find ourselves watching FBE React videos an hour later when we’re supposed to be studying.
7. Books are not our (only) thing.

To many people, it might come as a shock that zoomers actually read. But technology has evolved so much during our time that traditional print books aren’t our only source of knowledge anymore.
I have not touched a book in almost a year (not proud of that one) but I am able to learn about the world and my personal interests through podcasts, videos, and online articles. Some of you may be surprised to hear this, but many content creators have also taken to TikTok videos to educate others on social issues and other things. Crazily enough, most of them are entertaining and easy to follow so they actually work!
8. We’re shameless AF.

There are some things that come out of our mouths that older generations may find shocking. But that comes with the brand, Jan. Young people nowadays will probably say what they want to say for better or for worse.
We were born into a shitty world, so try to understand.
More than that, we have been able to create an open and safer environment for each other. Boys will hug boys, boys will openly cry, girls will speak up against sexist jokes, straight people will be in public places with queers.
A conversation among zoomers could go from “how was your day” to “what are your thoughts on abortion” real quick. Hell, I could talk about wanting to be in an open polyamorous relationship, and zoomers will be all “me too”! There are not a lot of taboo topics with us.
The world is changing, ma’am. Obviously, not everyone is there yet. But the fact that these things have become more normal in our generation is astounding.
9. We easily get scared…

I will literally spend the whole night getting anxiety over saying hi to a teacher the next day. The same goes for when I’m sending a long message to a friend, going to a relative’s birthday party, making small talk with the cashier… you name it and I’m probably scared of it.
10. … but we’re ready to fight.

When we see injustices that affect our community, we will fearlessly take off the gloves and defend our principles. We will move heaven and earth to protect those who can’t protect themselves.
If y’all are gonna choose to attack something that a zoomer believes is important, then you better tread carefully.
There’s gonna be a bloody war.
We may be scared of the littlest things, but we’re definitely not scared of fighting ignorance and stupidity. Boomers, to the left!
Even though I just gave you ten Gen Z stereotypes, it’s important to note that I do not speak for all zoomers. I am extremely lucky to have met people that made me experience all these positive things about our generation. With that said, not everyone in Gen Z subscribes to all of these things because stereotypes are just that: stereotypes.
More than that, zoomers from all over the world have diverse upbringings and beliefs that a list like this just cannot document everyone’s experience.
The important thing is that when we talk about Gen Z stereotypes, they have to come from zoomers ourselves. We cannot let people from other generation who cannot relate to our struggles paint us in a dishonest light.
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Featured Image: Kon Karampelas
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