‘Vincenzo’ Episode 7: Review, Recap & Reactions

Last week, Team Vincenzo was backed into a corner after the Babel-Wusang Group made sure they had no witnesses to take to the stand. But we all know our favorite Italian lawyer is not gonna give up that easily. It looks likes he has another trick up his sleeve in Vincenzo episode 7 because he volunteered himself to be the surprise witness for the Jipuragi Law Firm.

What shenanigans does Vincenzo have in store now? Will Ms. Choi be able to outsmart him this time around? What’s going to happen with the gold in the Geumga Plaza?

Let’s find out all the answers to our questions in this week’s review, recap, and real-time reactions. Feel free to leave your thoughts about this episode in the comments below!

And remember: if you missed our recap and review of previous Vincenzo episodes, you can always go back to them HERE.

Vincenzo Episode 7 Review & Recap
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This episode continued to highlight Vincenzo’s creativity in coming up with ways to escape danger. Not only did we get one “master plan” from him…. we got three! While two of them were successful, one of them looks like it’s not going to end up well.

As we had similarly seen in the previous episode, he concocted a convoluted plan to win a court battle against our favorite villain, Ms. Choi.

It was revealed that Vincenzo was not the actual surprise witness who was going to expose Babel. Although, he did beat up some members of the research team behind BLSD to mark him as an assailant in the case. But obviously, there was no way that the Wusang Law Firm was going to let him speak as a witness.

Instead, Vincenzo reveals that he was able to retrieve a cell phone (read: steal) from a Babel employee, with text messages proving that they covered-up the incident and threatened the victims. He goes on to say that Director of Babel Chemicals, Gil Jong-moon, gave the victims false information and was aware of the correlation between BLSD and blood cancer.

Ms. Choi said that Vincenzo was not a medical expert to be making such claims, which was all he needed to hear to push through with the next phase of their plan. Cha-young brings out their real surprise witness: Gil Jong-moon’s wife, who is also a director of a pediatric cancer center.

Vincenzo had apparently met up with her before the trial to show her evidence that Jong-moon was having an affair.

And so, she spilled all the tea on Jong-moon in front of the entire court. The Holy Grail of all evidence was the bag of meth she had found in his desk, exposing him as a drug addict and potentially linking him to the Babel researcher who had fainted in the previous episode.

With that bombshell, the Wusang Law Firm knew they were fucked. Vincenzo – 2, Wusang – 1.

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I’m continuously amazed at the creativity of Vincenzo and Cha-young because they manage to wiggle their way out of tough situations by thinking outside the box. But as a viewer, I can’t help but feel like I’ve seen this before… one week ago to be exact. The whole stunt just seemed very similar to how they were able to postpone the trial by using hornets.

It’s getting a little boring and repetitive seeing them constantly outsmarting Wusang without a hiccup. I know we’re just seven episodes into this, but Vincenzo has always felt untouchable so far. When your main character hasn’t suffered for this long, watching the show seems pretty useless because it makes you question what the endgame truly is.

He’s been winning the game since the very beginning.

Yes, they killed off Yu-chan which was supposed to be a huge setback for him, but the way he bounced back quickly without feeling any sort of grief made the whole thing feel shallow.

His winning streak against Wusang continued in Vincenzo episode 7 when Ms. Choi sent out the police to go after Hong Cha-young; they claimed that they had evidence proving that she was engaging in illegal activities.

For a while, I clowned myself into thinking that this would be a major development in the story where Babel-Wusang finally got the upper hand… but nope. Vincenzo was able to get Cha-young out of that situation before the episode even ended!

How did he do it? Well he struck a deal with Ms. Choi who had tried to bribe the Chief Prosecutor and failed miserably. Vincenzo just had to make a couple of calls to his cool Italian soccer friends and forced the Chief Prosecutor to agree to the bribe. Once he did, Ms. Choi let Cha-young go. I guess there were some interesting things to happen from that: (1) Ms. Choi actually held up her end of the deal, and (2) the Chief Prosecutor is now on Babel-Wusang’s side which might end up biting Vincenzo in the ass later on.

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Speaking of Ms. Choi and Her Partner in Glasses (Han Seung-hyeok), they are in big trouble after Vincenzo’s stunt in court when Joon-woo drives them to a deserted place and threatens them to get their shit together. He doesn’t seem like he’s playing around anymore! His first order: destroy Cha-young.

If you’ve been reading my real-time episode reactions since the very beginning, you know how much I’ve been shipping Joon-woo and Cha-young together because of their on-screen chemistry. Hell, I even held out hope even after it was revealed that Joon-woo was the Big Bad of the show because I thought he had a soft spot for her. So it kind of broke my heart when he had ordered Ms. Choi to go after her.

Joon-woo continues to veer into straight-up Telenovela Villain when it is revealed that he killed his own father. This is not definitely not the same intern who innocently called Cha-young sunbae in the first episode.

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The last significant story development in this episode was all about the gold hidden beneath Geumga Plaza. It’s demolition time in a week, and Vincenzo is running out of ideas to delay it further. What he also doesn’t know is that the tenants have been made aware of the gold’s presence by Gilbert, the homeless man introduced in the last episode.

Like Cha-young though, they don’t believe that billions worth of gold are really hiding in the building… yet. It’s only a matter of time before they put two and two together and realize that Vincenzo is only helping them out for the gold.

But they are being a thorn on Vincenzo’s side as they seem to have fell out of love with the idea of relocating to another building. In fact, they have vowed to fight for their right to stay in Geumga Plaza because it is their home after all.

The tenants have found themselves in a lot of trouble against Babel E&C when they showed up to stop a supposed protest in Geumga Plaza. Unfortunately, they didn’t know about Vincenzo’s plan to delay the demolition. There were supposed to be fake protesters hired by Vincenzo, whose job was to get ambushed by Babel in front of a camera. This footage was supposed to have been leaked to the media to stir up controversy against the demolition, and subsequently delay it.

But things start to go downhill when the fake protesters back out last minute after one of them caught an unspecified “virus”. The Babel thugs arrive in the plaza, and then violently attack the Police Officer/Chef Toto’s Protégé, mistaking him for a real protester. We end Vincenzo episode 7 with a huge brawl as the building tenants try to defend their home from Babel!

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I actually felt relieved that Vincenzo’s master plan to delay the demolition failed because I would’ve lost my mind if it hadn’t. Like I said earlier, I’m getting tired of him always getting his way. He had already flawlessly executed two plans in this episode, so if he managed to pull off this one too? That would be too much.

At this point of the k-drama, I already understand that he is brilliant so I don’t need to see him excelling at everything.

I speculate that there’s going to be tension between him and the tenants when they learn that Vincenzo indirectly put them in harm’s way. Do you see how much potential drama we could be looking forward to when his plan doesn’t turn out exactly like how he planned it?

I’m not saying that Vincenzo should stop with his foolproof “master plans” since it’s his forte, but what he needs is a formidable enemy who can throw a wrench in them to keep things interesting. I hope I’m not sounding too pessimistic about the whole ordeal, but I was just fatigued with how many of his plans we got in this episode. When they threw a huge party to delay the demolition and released hornets to attack the judge, it felt special because it felt new.

This time around though, it felt formulaic.

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While Vincenzo episode 7 didn’t have many standout moments, we did get some good things out of it. It looks like they are slowly building up Joon-woo to be that formidable enemy by revealing his deliciously psychotic side. I smiled when he struck the windshield of his car with a golf club while Ms. Choi and Her Partner in Glasses squirmed. The murder of his father though? That just adds a whole layer of darkness to his character.

Now that we know he’s physically volatile, we just need to see how intelligent he can truly be to make a face-off against Vincenzo worthwhile.

And it looks like we’re going to be seeing some real romance between our two leads pretty soon! Update: I’m not totally opposed to them now that Joon-woo is 100% out of the picture. Cha-young seems to be putting on the moves as she had taken Vincenzo suit shopping and had given him a fountain pen in the guise of a “job well done” after the trial. Vincenzo was giving a longing look at the pen, which is a major hint that he is starting to fall for her any minute now.

 Vincenzo Episode 7 Rating: 6.5/10 

READ: ‘Vincenzo’ Episode 6: Review, Recap & Reactions

Favorite Moments in Vincenzo Episode 7

1. Jang Joon-Woo has an outburst

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2. Cha-young takes Vincenzo suit shopping

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3. Vincenzo gets scared of Yeong-ho

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Vincenzo Episode 7 Reactions
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1. The look on Team Wusang’s face tells me they did not see this coming.

2. Ballsy move to have Vincenzo both as a witness and an assailant.

3. Ms. Choi is not gonna fall for this, right? They’re too smart for this.

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4. ANOTHER surprise witness? And it’s the Director’s wife? This is smart.

5. Joon-woo seems pretty calm about this whole thing or he’s just really good at keeping a poker face.

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6. Cha-young and Vincenzo got their number! That meth in the Director’s desk was the final nail in the coffin.

7. LMAO. Were those slaps by the medical expert really necessary?

8. I’m surprised Joon-woo is taking the L in the BLSD battle that easily. Can we get more scenes where he punishes his younger brother with a towel?

9. Also, did Vincenzo really get away from assaulting five randos from Babel? LOL.

Joon-woo lashes out
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10. That exchange was so… weird. The tailor tells Vincenzo that he looks like a mannequin, Vincenzo says if he should hold his breath for three seconds like a mannequin, and the tailor says it’s a great idea. I’m sorry, what?!

11. The tailor staring so intently at Vincenzo while sipping his tea. He definitely has the hots for him!

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12. Joon-woo showing that cuckoo side we all had a glimpse of in the earlier episode. He oozes a lot of charisma when he speaks English, doesn’t he?

13. Noooo! Joon-woo gave the cold order to go after Cha-young. There goes all the hope that he actually has feelings for her.

The aftermath of the trial
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14. Love how Vincenzo is slowly getting closer with the Geumga Plaza tenants. I hope they eventually become his Achilles heel.

15. I almost forgot this guy. If you also forgot, he’s now Vincenzo’s bitch inside Babel E&C.

16. Admittedly, seeing Ms. Choi and the Guy with Glasses be scared to death and be so desperate is such good karma for what they did to Yu-chan.

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17. That was the most scared we’ve ever seen Vincenzo. It’s very entertaining to see!

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18. Vincenzo is seriously staring at Cha-young’s present to him, so you know it’s getting real between them.

19. That is true though. I have never seen anyone in television show somebody falling for a monk. Priests? Yes. Monks? Never.

The truth about Joon-woo’s dad
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20. Holy shit. Joon-woo killed his dad?!

21. “Live a life that cannot end up in a biography” is a great motto. I’mma use it for my IG bio.

22. And now he’s threatening to gouge out his eyes with a fork? We are now truly seeing how evil Joon-woo really is.

Gilbert knows about the gold
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23. Here’s the homeless man from the previous episode… and he knows there’s gold in the building?! Who is he?

24. This is so exciting. The building tenants now know of the gold’s existence (not believing it yet) so I hope they race Vincenzo to the gold. Let’s inject some drama and thrill into that storyline!

25. It’s true what he said: CEOs of any company should take acting classes in case they need to apologize on-cam for some shitty thing they did.

26. I love how the police officer has just totally immersed himself with the Geumga Plaza tenants.

Cha-young gets handcuffed
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27. Here we go! Cha-young’s name is starting to get dragged through the mud.

28. Wait a minute, was Vincenzo being part of the Mafia a secret all this time?

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29. Cha-young acting cute on Vincenzo to get her out was so weird to see. I’m excited we’re getting some relationship development though.

30. Ms. Choi should watch her back! Trash Cha-young’s reputation, and Vincenzo will trash yours back.

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31. Of course we’d get a football scene in Vincenzo. Let’s give tribute to Italian culture.

32. Again, Song Joong-ki speaks Italian soooo well.

33. I’m actually shocked that Ms. Choi would hold up her end of the deal. My expectations for her were pretty low, but I guess this is proof that she will end up playing for Vincenzo’s team eventually.

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34. All of Cha-young’s reactions after getting released, from throwing herself into is so hilariously her.

Babel invades Geumga Plaza… again
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35. LOL at this accountant asking for the Babel team’s receipts. Even evil people in k-dramas need to submit their receipts, guys!

36. One of the guys in the red jumpsuits might just ruin the plan because he was in contact with someone carrying a virus/disease. Coronoavirus’ impact.

37. Oooooh no. Vincenzo’s plan may have just backfired, and if I’m not mistaken, this is actually the first time it did.

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38. These Babel thugs are so lame, smh. They’re getting their asses kicked so bad!

What were your thoughts watching the seventh episode of Vincenzo? Leave them in the comments below! And if you missed it, you can view our reactions and review for other episodes here.

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