‘Vincenzo’ Episode 14: Review, Recap & Reactions

The last time we left our psychotic chairman, he was drenched in pig blood after being exposed as being the person behind the Babel Vision Team. Vincenzo episode 14 returns back to form as the Jirapugi Law Firm steers away from the gold storyline and pulls off one of their best schemes yet.

Shippers of Vincenzo and Cha-young, get your dental floss ready because you are in for a sweet treet. Find out everything that happened in this episode with our review, recap, and real-time reactions. And as always, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Remember: if you missed our recap and review of previous Vincenzo episodes, you can always go back to them HERE.

Vincenzo Episode 14 Review & Recap
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After a disappointing outing in the previous episode, Vincenzo was able to throw a one-two punch by serving us a compelling episode that involved a fun, complicated scheme and giving us the major romantic development we desperately needed!

The only real story we followed in Vincenzo episode 14 was the next step in Jipuragi Law Firm’s grand plan to take down Babel. They had already set the stage by exposing Jang Han-seok (fka Joon-woo) as the leader of the Babel Vision Team who took care of all their union-related cases. And one of the decisions he could’ve gotten in trouble for was the murder of the union leader. It seemed like it was enough to throw the entire Team Babel-Wusang in jail, especially when Vincenzo came out with the driver’s confession that he was ordered by Ms. Choi to kill the union leader.

But what kind of k-drama would it be if we ended things right there and then?

Jang Han-seo tried to sacrifice himself, saying that he was actually the person who made the call to murder the union leader. And just when things got interesting, Chief Prosecutor came in to save the day, claiming that the Vision Team leader and Babel company union leader plotted the whole thing to try and overthrow Jang Han-seok from his position.

READ: ‘Vincenzo’ Episode 13: Review, Recap & Reactions

They’re off the hook… for now!

I think everyone — Vincenzo included — knew that Jang Han-seok was going to slither his way out of that situation. But what I wanted to point out was Han-seo’s attempt to take the fall for his brother. Did he do it to show Han-seok that he was sorry? Was he trying to get into jail so he doesn’t have to deal with his brother anymore? Or was it something else, completely?

With his behavior recently, I’m actually starting to root for him.

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In Vincenzo episode 14, the team’s mission is to secure evidence on Han-seok’s paper company. And contrary to what I thought until the show laughed at me for it, a paper company is not a company that makes paper. It’s a company that “only exists on paper” and is used to buy stocks to increase a CEO’s shares illegally… which is what Han-seok has been doing.

Thanks to the guy from Babel E&C who is now selling balloons in Geumga Plaza, Vincenzo is directed to a singer named Mr. Na. He used to send information to Han-seok’s paper company which was disguised as an art gallery. And in that place was where all the magic happened: money is laundered through the artworks which is how Han-seok bought stocks using the paper company’s name.

All the proof that they need that this is actually happening is in the computer located in the art gallery director’s office.

You know what that means: it’s time for one of Vincenzo’s elaborate schemes! This stunt might’ve just been my favorite of the entire series so far because soooo many hilarious and crazy things happened. The participation of the Geumga Plaza tenants was also needed to pull this off because as Cha-young said, why is everyone in the building smart and/or impressive?

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And that’s our cue to talk about Seo Mi-ri. She’s the tenant who seems to know all about the gold and Vincenzo. If you’ve been following my episode recaps, you know that I’ve been creeped out with her lately because she’s been pretending to be clueless about it.

In this episode though, we finally learned why she’s been behaving eccentrically. Mi-ri revealed that she has actually known about the gold bars all along because she was the person who created the security system for it! And she can also recreate the iris recognition device that Mr. Cho had “lost” in the previous episode.

So turns out, she’s a really good hacker! With her skills, she would be much help to Vincenzo now and might have just won herself the position of Unofficial Member #6.

Along with Han-seo, Mi-ri was one of the highlights to come from Vincenzo episode 14. I bet some of you already knew that she was involved with the gold somehow, but I for one, was very clueless about her real identity up to that point. Don’t you just love it when a character surprises you?!

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Now, comes the mission itself. To enter the fully-booked art gallery without any suspicion, Mi-ri hacked their system to get Vincenzo and Cha-young in under a real foreign couple’s reservation. Not only did our two favorite lawyers have to pretend to be foreigners, but they had to pretend to be *giggles* a couple.

Meanwhile, the real couple who made the reservation were “kidnapped” by three tenants from Geumga Plaza. I put kidnapped in quotation marks because they were actually taken to a cultural experience of sorts which involved watching traditional dances, tasting Chef Toto’s cooking, and a proposal in the monk’s temple. That couple didn’t mind being kidnapped at all!

But wait, did I just say proposal?!

Yes! As Cha-young hilariously pretended to speak broken Korean, the gallery director gave a slight wink to Vincenzo indicating that something was up. Once they stopped in front of a painting of an everlasting tree, she revealed that the husband who made the reservation was planning to propose to the wife. There were cameras and more importantly, there was a ring!

Vincenzo was hesitant to propose at first, but in the spirit of the mission, he asked Cha-young to marry him to which she said yes. They thought that the torture would end there, but everyone was shouting for the two to kiss. I mean, it is a marriage proposal after all.

And in the most Cha-young thing ever, she pulled in Vincenzo for a kiss… a loooooong kiss that lasted a minute!

My feelings during this scene were through the roof because this was the moment I’ve been waiting for since I got around to the idea of Vincenzo and Cha-young together. And don’t you just love how Cha-young was the one who initiated it?

But I will admit, at around the last ten seconds of their kiss, it already felt like it had gone on for too long. It was glorious though!

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After all that display of “fake” romance, they were able to get into the art gallery director’s office. Cue the other tenants who had caused a commotion with the security guards outside! The director left to check what’s going on, so this gave Vincenzo and Cha-young the opportunity they needed to find the files in the computer, which were transferred to a thumb drive thanks to Mi-ri’s remote hacking skills.

But eventually, the director finally pieced it together: she was getting played by these people. But once again, the two lawyers had planned two steps ahead and claimed to be from the foreign intelligence service of Italy. They said that they were to take a smuggled painting from the gallery… which the director admitted to.

Just when everything felt like it was coming together for Vincenzo, his past came back to haunt him. He didn’t know it, but Ms. Choi had been planning his downfall by keeping in touch with his enemy from Italy. He might’ve been able to run from the mafia, but she brought the mafia in Korea!

We ended Vincenzo episode 14 with men from the Italian mafia surrounding a defenseless Vincenzo.

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Overall, this was an easy watch thanks to the elaborate art gallery heist-slash-scheme. One of my major criticisms against the show is how it can become repetitive with these large-scale plans that Vincenzo concocts. What he comes up with can be hit-or-miss, and affects my enjoyment of the episode. When it’s bad, we get boring and drawn-out pranks like the previous episode. But when it’s good, we get episodes like these.

After the romantic plot was pretty much non-existent in episode 13, we were able to get some of that action here. So I feel like if you like the two leads together, you would’ve enjoyed the art gallery parts like I did. I mean if you’re still complaining after we got a proposal and a long-ass kissing scene, then I don’t know with you anymore.

Even they themselves had some hangover from all that romance when they called each other “sweetie” and “darling” in the car like playground sweethearts. How cute was that?!!!

The entertainment value was also on a high in Vincenzo episode 14 thanks to the major role that the Geumga Plaza tenants played. They’ve always given us nuggets of laughter, and the same rings true here. I love how the show managed to work in all their different talents and quirks into the big scheme. Seriously, each and every one of them helped the Jipuragi Law Firm out!

There were just so many moments that made the supporting characters more interesting. We already discussed Mi-ri and her involvement with the gold, but can we go back to Han-seo for a second?

He and Seung-hyeuk actually had the guts to try and make a deal with Vincenzo so that they can take down Han-seok together. Obviously, that did not pan out like they had wanted it to (because of Vincenzo’s principles?) but one thing’s for sure: Han-seo isn’t planning to be the dumb subservient brother any longer.

And lastly, Mr. Cho is finally interesting for a second when it’s revealed that he is working with Prosecutor Jung to take hold of the Guillotine File. What to make of this alliance…

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 Vincenzo Episode 14 Rating: 7.5/10 

Favorite Moments in Vincenzo Episode 14

1. Vincenzo and Cha-young kiss

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2. Vincenzo calls Cha-young “sweetie” (and the awkwardness after)

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3. Vincenzo and Cha-young pull out their guns

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Vincenzo Episode 14 Reactions
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1. See, this is why I don’t get. Vincenzo and Cha-young are just poking the bear with Han-seok so you bet your ass he’s gonna come back swinging.

2. Han-seo is lowkey becoming my favorite character. His victory is like my victory.

3. The drunk driver SPILLED!

4. “I’m just a scumbag who cleans up scum” sounds like a lyric from a 2000s punk-rock band.

5. I really missed An Gi-seok in the previous episode. Glad he’s getting lines today.

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6. Is Jang Han-seo sacrificing himself so that Han-seok never gets a chance to kill him when he’s in prison?

Han-seo meets with Vincenzo
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7. These Babel balloon guys are officially Team Vincenzo!

8. Of course Jang Han-seok isn’t satisfied with Han-seo’s sacrifice.

9. Han-seo meeting with Vincenzo? Is it happening? Is he finally switching teams too?

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10. So the person who met with Mr. Cho in the previous episode was… Prosecutor Jung? Huh.

11. Sorry Mr. Cho, I am not buying that excuse that you were “too flustered” to forget that the iris recognition device was in your jacket!

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12. LOL. Here’s Vincenzo’s mom again. I know she’s going to be important soon, but it’s funny how she pops up every now and then for one scene.

14. Seo Mi-ri, what is your endgame with the gold?!!

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15. Vincenzo rejected Han-seo’s offer to work with him? Not the time to play cool, Vincenzo.

Seo Mi-ri’s true identity
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16. Oh my god. Am I dumb for thinking that the “paper company” they were referring to all this time was indeed, a company that makes paper?

17. Ms. Choi found Vincenzo’s enemy in Italy. I swear, she should be the real chairman of Babel.

18. Real gold may be inside our hearts… but they don’t pay the bills.

19. I want Vincenzo to never stop these fake passive-aggressive speeches to guilt-trip the tenants.

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20. Is Seo Mi-ri planning to kill Vincenzo after he gets the gold? She’s so creepy!

21. WAIT A MINUTE. Mi-ri was the person who created the iris recognition device and the security system for the gold?! Color me shocked!

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22. LOL. The tenants are really trying to make it up to Vincenzo. And they made a memo promising to trust Vincenzo, too!

Getting files from the art gallery
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23. At this rate, everyone in Geumga Plaza is going to be a part of the Jipuragi Law Firm.

24. I love the “two people pretending to be a couple” trope!

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25. Vincenzo looks like a million bucks in this color.

26. Poor couple don’t even know what hit them.

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27. Well I’m glad this couple is getting a wonderful deal out of all this.

28. I love how Cha-young is still not shutting up despite being forced to speak in English.

29. A surprise proposal! I thought the girl from the art gallery was flirting with Vincenzo when she winked at him.

30. Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

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31. FINALLY!!! And of course Cha-young is the one who initiatied it!

32. That was an incredibly long kiss scene. But I ENJOYED IT.

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33. Mi-ri and the accountant look radiant in those outfits. Maybe they should be the couple in the art gallery right now.

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34. I didn’t even realize they were the Geumga Plaza tenants for like a minute. Holy outfits!

35. This scheme is so extra with the fake police and everything.

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36. The chewing gum on the wall could’ve really passed off as art.

37. Damn, Cha-young looks hot with the gun and stockings.

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38. The drive home must’ve been awkward~

39. That nervous laughter from Vincenzo, OMG. They’re like kids!

40. Why did Vincenzo give the gun back to the bad guy? Isn’t that stupid?

What were your thoughts watching the fourteenth episode of Vincenzo? Leave them in the comments below! And if you missed it, you can view our reactions and review for other episodes here.

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