
5 Things Gen Z Filipinos are Sick of Hearing from Adults

Filipino boomers think that Gen Z Filipinos are all just kids who are obsessed with TikTok or are still taking…

5 years ago

9 Ways the New School Year Will Hit Different Because of Online Classes

In the next few weeks, high schools and colleges will be welcoming a new school year. Here's our list of…

5 years ago

Why People are Judging You Because of Your IG Stories During COVID-19

Unless you've been living under a rock, then you know that coronavirus cases have been rising exponentially in the Philippines.…

5 years ago

#Halalan2022: Gen Z’ers of Age, You Have No Excuse Not to Vote

Hey zoomer, are you discouraged from registering as a voter because it's "hopeless" anyway? Here are some ways I convinced…

5 years ago

10 Types of Filipinos You’ll Meet in Zoom Calls and Meetings

Zoom in the Philippines is just a whole 'nother ballgame. We could lump all your friends and colleagues into one…

5 years ago

How Coronavirus Has Changed the Way Filipinos Date

Is love in quarantine even real or is everything just a quaranfling? However, just like the rest of the world,…

5 years ago

Facebook Killed PH’s Democracy (But Advertisers Can Help Take it Back)

Dear Facebook, you have effectively killed our democracy by turning a blind eye on fake news and troll accounts. Do…

5 years ago

#MySchoolHiresPredators: Your Teacher May be a Sexual Abuser

It seems like every high school in the Philippines has an open secret: teachers are flirting with their own (underage)…

5 years ago

8 Things More Important than COVID-19, According to the Philippines

Apparently, there are some things that are more important than a deadly virus with no cure. It's just corona after…

5 years ago