
Why People are Judging You Because of Your IG Stories During COVID-19

Is it okay to go outside? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you know that coronavirus cases have been rising exponentially in the Philippines. Hospitals are once again reaching full capacity, and the end is nowhere in sight.

So it’s a bit troubling to watch people on their IG Stories live life like there’s no pandemic going on. While we continue to hold the government accountable, I think we should also acknowledge our own role in improving the state of our country.

The Problem with Instagram Stories

Let’s address the elephant in the room. I look at my IG Stories, and it’s crazy how the people who claim to miss the pre-coronavirus world so much are the ones who have been incessantly going out too. Don’t get it twisted: I said incessantly.

And to unapologetically post videos of themselves in such a public platform too… like, are they trying to get themselves cancelled?

I’m of course, not talking about those who have to leave their house for essential errands. Nor am I talking about going on a quick drive to do something then returning home immediately. Nor the people going on protests!

My issue is with the people who are physically with their friends every day and clearly not observing social distancing outside of their house!

To these people: I’m all about giving zero fucks what other people think, but you have to know why it’s infuriating for your friends who watch your stories, right?

I feel like you’re smart enough and have a big brain on you.

So when the thought came across your mind that you might get flack for posting said story, I wonder why you still chose to do it anyway.

Was there a disconnect between your brain and your finger? Do you just like annoying people? I just want to know the thinking process behind it!

Posting on IG isn’t the bigger issue here, but I would be lying if I said seeing these stories aren’t a little bit triggering.

There are what we call finsta accounts, so if you want to shut up people like me or avoid judgement from your friends, maybe it’s better if you post everything there.

If you’re bored, be thankful.

It would be good to remind everyone that being bored does not mean it is okay to go outside. Out of all the reasons you could have for leaving the house, this is probably the worst one.

I guess it’s just frustrating because there are people risking their lives every day to go to work and place food in their table. They either put up with the hellish commute every day or are always in physical contact with others. If given a choice, they would most probably choose to be bored at home rather than putting their loved ones and themselves at risk.

Boredom is a privilege that you should be thankful to have, because some Filipinos would kill to have it.

I can’t tell you how to live your life. but if you’re privileged enough to live in a house that has food, internet, a bed, and a shower all shouldered by your parents, then please just stay at home. You have everything you need and more!

I’m not even asking you to avoid the outside world completely because frankly, that’s impossible. Just don’t go out pretending like the virus doesn’t exist.

When can I go out?

While every person has a different take on what is “acceptable” behavior nowadays, I think we can all agree on some things that determine wheter or not it’s okay to go outside. Like for one, you start to cross the line of being irresponsible when you go out every single day doing things that you can live without.

Then there are the idiots who refuse to wear face masks, which I don’t see much of in the Philippines thankfully.

Going to your friend’s house? Definitely better than dining out with them.

By no means am I an expert on this topic, so I’m not even gonna impose my beliefs on when it is okay for you to go out. But it would be good to set your own rules that you yourself should stick to. When you do this, you can hold yourself accountable and not end up a hypocrite.

For example, here are the personal guidelines that I stick to when deciding if I should leave the house to do something:

  • Can this be done online?
  • Will I still be alive if I don’t do this?
  • Have I gone out of my house less than 14 days?

If the answer to any of my questions is a yes, then I simply don’t go out. By having this list in my mind, I am able to hold myself back from making irresponsible trips that could put other people in danger.

Now I want to ask you: what’s on your list?

To sum up how you should act during the pandemic, just remember to always practice sensitivity. I’d just like to remind everyone that you can unknowingly be a bringer of the virus and harm somebody without meaning to. And we definitely don’t need to see you going against quarantine protocols on Insta every day.

It is also important to note that it is okay to go outside the house.

But keep your loved ones safe by reducing the time you spend needlessly going on dates with friends. And when you go out, please be responsible and cautious.

Rule of thumb: if you have to think about whether going somewhere is okay or not, then it’s probably not okay. The fact that you had to pause and ask yourself if it is okay to go outside means that it’s not necessary for you to do so.

You’re a zoomer; you already know what you’re supposed to do so just avoid being a stubborn piece of work.

What do you think are acceptable reasons to go out of the house during the pandemic? Share your answer in the comments below! Don’t forget to follow us @ZoomersCornerPH on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Featured Image: Ana Madeleine on Pexels


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