‘Vincenzo’ Episode 2: Reactions, Review & Recap

The second episode of Vincenzo clarified some of the loose ends in its series premiere while developing some of the core relationships in the show. Vincenzo and Hong Yu-Chan form an unlikely duo to fight Babel E&C, and the first real interactions between the main couple of the show.

Key character moments ruled this episode, like with the formal introduction of Ms. Choi, whom we only knew as Dancing Laundromat Girl before this episode. Hong Cha-Young also shows that she is not all that “unethical” as she tries to stop the building from being demolished.

Head on down for our real-time reactions and review of Vincenzo Episode 2. You can discuss all the good (and bad stuff) in the comments below! If you missed it, you can check out our review of the first episode HERE.

Vincenzo Episode 2 Reactions
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1. Nothing more sacred than pinky promises. Apparently, those things are honored in the mafia world too!

2. This lawyer is getting on my nerves… even if he’s right that Vincenzo is not to be trusted.

3. Here we go: the first interaction between Vincenzo Cassano and Hong Cha-Young. If I’m being honest, I didn’t feel any sexual tension there.

The alliance between Hong Yu-Chan and Vincenzo is formed
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5. Oh… Mr. Cho is not dead yet. I don’t know how to feel about this. And after reflecting upon it, I don’t really care much about him.

6. Thank God we’re getting some background on the secret gold room in the building. I was getting confused with what they want to do with it, and we finally got our answer: it’s their retirement money!

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7. I don’t know why this “feeling Buddha underneath” gag is hilarious to me.

8. This Director is going to regret brushing off this police officer, and I can’t wait to see his face when he finds out everything about Vincenzo.

9. Hong Yu-Chan aligns with Vincenzo. Therefore, I like Yu-Chan now.

Cha-Young visits Vincenzo and her dad
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10. I love it when characters in K-dramas randomly break out into English at random times. Cha-Young’s assistant… I got my eye on you.

11. Aww, nothing like having a crush on your sunbae. Cha-Young had more sexual tension in that scene with the assistant (whose name I’m just learning is Jang Jun-Woo) than Vincenzo did with her.

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12. Okay, I didn’t pay attention to this woman in her previous scene. Is she a fixer like Olivia Pope? What’s her role in the company? Anyway, all this food on the table are making me hungry.

13. Vincenzo just asked permission to curse. How shockingly polite for someone who worked in the mafia.

14. I will never get tired of these characters botching Vincenzo’s last name. Like how Cha-Young pronounces it as “Quassano”.

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15. I’ll give it to Cha-Young aka Jeon Yeon-Been: she’s been stealing the scenes in this episode.

16. Here we go! The two leads are having some witty and slightly flirty banter.

17. You go destroy those men, Ms. Choi! I’m still confused about what exactly she’s doing… but I’m rooting for her.

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18. Torture by hockey puck. That’s a new one.

Vincenzo and Hong Yu-Chan bond
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19. Chef Toto is so adorable especially the way he seeks for Vincenzo’s approval! I hope they become BFFs by the end of this series.

20. You see? Just one scene of Yu-Chan hanging out with Vincenzo and he’s already far more likeable in my eyes.

21. I just got why Ms. Choi quit and now I can’t stop thinking if she’s actually Dancing Laundromat Girl. My short-term memory is failing me. But if she is, then she’s already become my favorite character. [Note after watching back to confirm: she is Dancing Laundromat Girl. I didn’t recognize her when she wasn’t doing Zumba dance moves!]

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22. I will admit, these are pretty convincing zombie movements.

23. If Zombie Girl (girl in the white dress) and Vincenzo are endgame, I wouldn’t complain! In fact, I’m here for it.

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24. Vincenzo and Yu-Chan is reminiscent of a father and son in this scene, and now I’m curious about what happened to Vincenzo’s parents are.

25. This is amazing. I’m so sorry about how I totally disliked Yu-Chan’s virtues in the past episode.

Cha-Young learns some bad news
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26. Creepy guy under an umbrella in the pouring rain! What was that all about?

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27. Yes you go, Ms. Choi. Telling it like it is and calling the lawyers in this firm assholes. An absolute queen.

28. Cha-Young’s journey to an “enlightened path” like her father is the character arc that I’m actually most interested in right now. She obviously loves him, but he’s not making it easy on her.

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29. Cha-Young actually matches Vincenzo’s level of ham-ness so I take back what I said earlier: they could make a great couple. I hope I can feel the romantic sparks fly between them soon.

30. So the creepy guy under the umbrella turns out to be the whistleblower. Calling it: he’s gonna end up dead by the end of the third episode.

Vincenzo stops the demolition
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31. Vincenzo’s chair screams BOSS. I love that little moment when the guy randomly likes an Instagram photo on Vincenzo’s phone and he looks up.

32. I still have no idea how they’re gonna stop the building from being demolished, but Vincenzo playing with the lighter he used to burn the estate from the previous episode is kind of scary.

33. A party! Of course Vincenzo throws a party to delay the demolition. Any excuse to wear a suit!

34. I actually didn’t expect Vincenzo’s first friend in Korea to be Yu-Chan, but here we are. I’m just waiting for the inevitable falling out when Vincenzo’s true intentions are revealed. It’s going to be delicious.

35. And just like that, Vincenzo Cassano has become an overnight Instagram influencer. A mafia counsel, and a model? I think we’ve found the first candidate for The Bachelor Korea, people!

36. Well here it is: our first overly long staredown between Vincenzo and Cha-Young.

READ: ‘Vincenzo’ Episode 1: Reactions, Review & Discussion

Vincenzo Episode 2 Review & Recap
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This episode moved the storyline with the building by a mere inch. We know that the party is just a temporary diversion, and that the Babel Group will have something up their sleeve in the coming episodes.

But what Vincenzo episode 2 did provide us with were critical relationship moments among the characters that had been missing before this.

The first episode was all about introducing us to the mafia badass that is Vincenzo Cassano (played by Song Joong-Ki). Now, we explore how his friendship with the Hong family was formed. Who’d have guessed our too-cool-for-school Vincenzo would actually have friends?

Granted, Vincenzo still hasn’t shown his real self to the others yet.

But seeing him have an amiable interaction with someone else other than Mr. Cho was a needed boost for the series after the first episode completely skipped the pivotal part of building relationships. The best moments in this episode were the moments when Vincenzo brought his guard down in his conversations with Hong Yu-Chan.

Not only did we witness a pseudo-father-and-son interaction between them, but the show has finally began to tease his romance with Cha-Young.

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We will admit that the staredown at the end of the second episode kind of came out of left field. Aside from very little interactions they’ve had in this episode, they haven’t really even gotten to know each other beyond the building drama. There was no indication that they liked each other romantically. Hell, Cha-Young still calls him Mr. Quassano.

And like I said in my reaction, I don’t feel the sexual chemistry between the two of them… yet.

On the bright side, Cha-Young showed a streak of kindness by going against her law firm and warning Vincenzo about the planned building demolition. So not all is lost with her as I had thought at first.

In Vincenzo episode 2, we also became familiar with Ms. Choi. She is a wildcard as of the moment and may end up causing some trouble for the good guys, as she aligns herself with the Wusang Law Firm who is all about the money.

My gut says she is going to come around in the end, and maybe even serve as a potential love interest for Yu-Chan? I don’t know, but her Zumba skills don’t help me figure out the mystery within her character though..

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Nothing can top the action in the first few minutes of the show when Vincenzo blew up a mansion and shot three guards. Admittedly, I had to learn how to tame my expectations in the second episode as I was expecting MORE EXPLOSIONS — literally and figuratively. The drama between the Babel Group and Vincenzo is still bubbling, so it’s just a matter of being patient on my part.

There’s also a whistleblower in the Babel Pharmaceutical research team which they haven’t followed through with yet, but I’d bet my entire life savings that he’s going to die soon. And speaking of death… Mr. Cho is alive.

I still don’t know how I feel about that.

The building tenants continue to slay their short moments in the spotlight, but I can’t wait for the show to delve into their backstories soon. They have so much more potential to merely be relegated as a comedic break. I actually think I’m going to cry when Vincenzo finally says one of Chef Toto’s dishes is delicious!

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All in all, I understood that Vincenzo episode 2 was meant to kick-off the relationships of Vincenzo and the rest of the gang. With that said, there was nothing particularly remarkable here. It wasn’t even a big visual spectacle like the previous one, despite the grand Sicilian-themed party in the end.

But now that the stage has been set for a lot of potential drama, we hope that this Babel Group conflict will heat up the show in the coming episodes.

 Vincenzo Episode 2 Rating: 6/10 

Favorite Moments of Vincenzo Episode 2

1. How to do “The Zombie”

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2. Cha-Young attemps to tell her dad about the building demolition

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3. Vincenzo and Yu-Chan share a nice moment

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How was the second episode of Vincenzo for you? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! And if you missed it, you can view our reactions and review for the first episode here.

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