
How Students Can Avoid Burnout by Learning these 2 Secrets

Taking online classes does not mean our life is going to get any easier. In fact, it’s probably going to make us more exhausted than we’ve ever felt before. But if there’s anything that we’ve learned from boy scouts, preparation is key.

So you better buckle up because we’re going to reveal two secrets that can help you figure out how not to get burned out in school!

Secret 1: Learn to say no.
Pexels: cottonbro

You probably know that you should be doing it. But the harder part is learning how to say no, right? While that is another topic in of itself, I could tell you right now that the biggest thing you need to be able to say no is having some degree of selfishness.

Well we could call it being selfish, but it’s really looking out for yourself. Learning to say no is one of the greatest forms of self-care that you’re probably not practicing.

There are two factors that may be driving you to agree to every opportunity in front of you: guilt and excitement.


In this context, guilt is something you feel inside, but is brought on by external factors. There are many situations where this feeling may manifest. Common ones include a sibling asking you for a favor, or a friend asking if you can help them out.

We’re not telling you to say no to other people the moment they ask you for your time and effort. But always consider asking “why” before you agree to help out. Then, weigh out your options.

I would personally be hesitant to drop everything I’m doing just to help out someone who’s cramming a paper because they were getting wasted last night. Ultimately, whom you choose to give your time to boils down to you.

Although the greatest sin you could commit is saying yes to someone whom you don’t feel deserves it.

It may seem like it’s rude to say no to someone, but remember that they are simply asking for your time and effort. If they get pissed at you, that speaks more about their character than it does yours.

No one should force you into doing anything but yourself because it’s not your fault if you already have too much on your plate already.

Sure you may feel guilty when you say no, but it’s something you have to deal with to learn how not to get burned out in school.


Being excited to do everything is a great way to easily get burned out. And unlike guilt, this is something brought upon by your own volition. What you need from yourself is to muster up a little thing called patience.

The feeling of excitement is heavily tied to one’s ambitions. When you’re as young as you are, it’s easy to get caught up in your desire to learn everything you can about the world. Unfortunately, this can lead you to try out so many things at once that you’ll end up spreading yourself too thin.

Do you have those friends with a million extracurricular activities? We call them the Type A leader.

More often than not, no one is forcing them to be a member of all these student groups, but their excitement to try out everything is driving them to make these choices. There are people who crave for that kind of exhaustion in their lives, and there are people who find fun somewhere else.

What may be good for your growth and happiness may not necessarily be good for your mental and emotional state.

You have to catch yourself during these times and have the guts to say no to yourself. It’s easier than it sounds, but everyone has some sort of self-driven motivation that will make them say yes to every shiny opportunity.

So how exactly do you avoid giving into your own excitement?

Secret 2: Plot out your priorities. Then cut them down.

You can’t do everything at once. Whether you like it or not, there will come a time where you’ll just have too many things in your plate. The worst thing you could do is add unnecessary tasks because of guilt or excitement.

It’s common sense. When your stomach is already full, you don’t order another plate; you remove it from your system.

The important thing you need to do is to mentally or physically note what your priorities are for the immediate future, and the weeks to come. And priorities here don’t necessarily mean work. This is not a to-do list where every item needs to be ticked off.

Priorities can refer to things or activities that you find valuable: reading a book, going out with friends, doing a skincare routine. Once you’ve ranked them from most important to least, it’s time to remove the ones at the bottom of the list. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to completely forget about them, it’s just that those things are gonna have to wait.

You only have 24 hours in a day. Something’s got to give.

Accepting this fact is the first step to learning how not to get burned out.

If you’re having a difficult time cancelling or “postponing” your priorities, then ask yourself: what do I need right now?

Sometimes you just need to get a certain assignment done because of a looming deadline. And sometimes, you just need to rest, so put off the online workshop you were going to attend and spend more time with your family.

Being focused on what you really need to do will help you fight guilt and excitement because you’ll know that you are saying no with purpose.

You want to learn another secret about how not to get burned out in school? Stop trying to be perfect. In this article, we give you tips on how you can avoid falling into that trap. Never miss out on anything by following us @ZoomersCornerPH on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Featured Image: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels


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