
QUIZ: How Many of These Quarantine Bucket List Items Have You Done?


Baking. Animal Crossing. TikTok. Netflix parties. Coronavirus has forced us into our homes and do stuff we usually wouldn't do. How many of these trends and items have you done during quarantine? Take the quiz to find out!


1. Watched Love is Blind on Netflix.
2. Learned a dance on TikTok.
3. Started searching for workout routines to do at home.
4. Watched Tiger King on Netflix.
5. Watched the president give a speech on TV...
6. ... and turned it off from anger.
7. Complained about the extreme heat.
8. Baked something new.
9. Baked banana bread.
10. Got angry at an influencer who did or said something stupid.
11. Started playing a new video game.
12. Sold food that you baked.
13. Had a friend date on Animal Crossing.
14. Messed up your body clock.
15. Talked with someone whom you haven't talked to in a long time.
16. Caught yourself staring at nothing for a long time.
17. Signed an online petition.
18. Joined in the call to #JunkTerrorBill.
19. Updated yourself on #BlackLivesMatter.
20. Donated to a charity or organization.
21. Read a book that you haven't touched in a long time.
22. Thought, "if coronavirus didn't happen, I would be _________________ right now".
23. Couldn't be productive because of world events.
24. Flirted with someone on a dating/hookup app.
25. Had a Netflix party with friends.
26. Pretended to listen to a Zoom meeting or lecture.
27. Watched a sitcom.
28. Wished you had an SO, or you were with your SO.
29. Ghosted, or broke up with someone.
30. Returned to doing a hobby.
31. Washed your hands until they became dry.
32. Had your ears hurt from wearing a face mask.
33. Ate something, then regretted it afterwards.
34. Stayed up all night talking with someone.
35. Read news about someone being cancelled.
36. Started a journal.
37. Picked up an instrument.
38. Cleaned your room in a big, big way.
39. Watched a show from another country.
40. Waited for over an hour to buy something in the grocery.
41. Bought something from a small business.
42. Supported a loved one by sharing their small business online.
43. Wondered where all of our tax is going.
44. Listened to Blinding Lights on repeat.
45. Listened to Future Nostalgia.
46. Tried Dalgona coffee.
47. Watched Crash Landing on You.
48. Scrolled through TikTok videos.
49. Tried FaceApp.
50. Played an online board game with friends.
51. Cut your own hair.
52. Tried to learn something off of Youtube.
53. Gave up on following your skincare routine.
54. Realized how privileged you are.
55. Missed your loved ones.
56. Watched Avatar: The Last Airbender.
57. Turned off your social media because you needed a mental and emotional break.
58. Cooked something new.
59. Imagined what the world will be like after this.
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