
How to Avoid Toxic Positivity when Comforting a Friend

There's always that one person who tells everyone to stay positive in difficult times. Don't be that person.

5 years ago

The Beginner’s Guide to the LGBTQ+ Community

We compiled easy-to-understand online resources about LGBTQ+ people that you can use to educate yourselves. This isn't just for queer…

5 years ago

Boomers and Gen X are Ruining the World: An Open Letter

Okay, Boomers and Baby Boomers: we're turning the tables on you — you're the reason why we're living in a…

5 years ago

11 Indoor Mental Health Activities You Can Do Now

The coronavirus pandemic and world events have taken a huge toll on our mental health and overall wellness. Good news…

5 years ago

Why Stan Culture is Problematic, Written by a Stan

Aggressive fandoms going after each other and celebrities is killing the enjoyment of social media, as they grow more rabid…

5 years ago

9 Ways to Mentally Survive Online Classes

Raise your hand if you've been daydreaming about the apocalypse in a Zoom lecture.

5 years ago